September 24, 2011


not really sure how to start today's blog. first, its been a great week here. we had a great day filled with learning. last night we had our "apertivo". it's basically like a dinner party with appetizers. we invited all our teachers over and i think everyone had fun.. they didnt leave until about 1230am! i was already in bed with some of the guests still here; call me a bad hostess, i dont care.

the party was fun, but the language barrier really got to me. we had this one woman, Tina, come. she owns this cute little caffe down the street. poor woman doesnt speak a lick of english. and the only word we really understand is "bella". so she calls us "bella" and we laugh and just smile. but it has shown me how universal laughter is. even though Tina and i have noooo idea what the other person is saying, i still feel what she is saying. she makes me laugh without using her words. my lesson for the night: a smile can go a long way.

i truly believe that people who laugh, live longer. i hope to be 95 years old and still snortin' away. and maybe i'll be like Tina, not being able to understand anybody (because i wont be able to hear), but i can smile. and i can laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Precious and insightful...... Love love love you!!:)
