October 19, 2011


I've never been much of a literature enthusiast, but yesterday we got to go to John Keats grave and his house for the last 4 months of his life. He was a great writer in the Romantic period. He was 25 when he died from Tuberculosis [sad face]. Keats was in love with his next door neighbor and would write her love poems and love letters. These beautiful poems were quite a scandal at the time they came out because no one spoke of such emotion in writing. Keats was really recognized for his works decades after he died; he died in 1822. His girl supposedly wrote him back and he never opened a single letter. Instead, his wish was to be buried with the unopened letters. What a looney-tune! We're not sure if this is completely accurate, but it makes for, I guess, a romantic story. He signed all his letters to her "Sincerely yours forever, John". When I get married, I'm gonna do this, its so romantic.

Forgive me, but I did not get many pictures from the day because all we saw was a one bedroom apartment and a cemetery; not very interesting.

happy hump-day!

"You have no idea of where God is going to engineer your circumstances, no knowledge of what strain is going to be put on you either at home or abroad, and if you waste your time in overactive energies instead of getting into soak on the great fundamental truths of God's Redemption, you will snap when the strain comes." - Oswald Chambers

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